Saturday, October 23, 2010

Quality Time

Since I am leaving for sunny California for two weeks, I decided I needed to spend some special time with some of my favorite people.  The boys loved the new tepee and got out the pretend bows and arrows and spent the afternoon collecting acorns and chasing squirrels.  The girls chose to make accessories for their dolls.  Annica's doll is showing off her hat and scarf and fingerless gloves, all repurposed from wool sweaters.

Paige made a poncho.  She and I are working on a sleeping bag for her doll, Julie.  It isn't quite done, but my goal is to be able to show it to you before I leave!  Maybe I will be able to get a picture of the matching headbands I made for the girls and their dolls out of chashmere.  Just wanted to let you know I was not goofing off this week.  I actually got a lot done for my last big show of the season at the Missouri Botanical Garden.  It's just a few days after I return!

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